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Research synthesis on the inclusion of multilingualism in daycare and school contexts

How can the linguistic repertoires and resources of children and adolescents growing up multilingually in their everyday lives be incorporated into educational institutions? What are the effects of integrating multilingualism in pre-school and school educational practice on various dimensions of educational success and participation? Against the background of these questions, the meta-project partners in Hamburg conduct a research synthesis that includes national and international empirical studies on the inclusion of migration-related multilingualism in linguistically diverse pre-school and school settings. Previous research overviews have focused primarily on measures to promote the languages of instruction. However, an increasing number of studies explore concepts to incorporate multilingual repertoires of migrant students efficiently into teaching and learning contexts. The aim of the synthesis is to systematize the international state of research on this topic and to identify factors that promote or hinder the inclusion of multilingualism in mainstream educational settings. Further, the synthesis seeks to derive recommendations for the pedagogical practice in order to best support multilingual students in the institutions of education. In a first step, the abstracts of around 4.000 articles identified through systematic keyword searches in literature databases are being screened. 


since 2023

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Nora Dünkel
University of Hamburg

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