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Interview study and document analysis on transfer strategies of the funded projects

One research question that we would like to answer as part of the meta-project is what are the planned and realized transfer strategies that were designed and implemented in the funded projects. Another question is which models the various strategies can be assigned to? Do the projects tend to follow the model of popularization of science, dialogical consultation of practice or the co-construction of knowledge by science and practice in an open process? To examine these questions, the research proposals of the projects are examined using a method of document content analysis. In addition, expert interviews are carried out with the scientists of the respective projects with the aim of exploring the project-related transfer efforts. Practitioners, administrators and policy makers are also invited to express their perspectives, expectations and assessments of the respective transfer efforts in a survey.  

The studies on transfer were conducted at the German Institute for Adult Education in Bonn (DIE).  

Your contact

Moritz Sahlender
German Institute for Adult Education (DIE), Bonn

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