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Scientists from three research institutes are jointly responsible for the implementation and scientific design of the funding directive in the meta-project Language Education in an ImmigrantSociety.

Project management

Porträtfoto Hans-Joachim Roth
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Roth
Coordinator of the team at the Mercator Institute
49 (0) 221-470 4620
Porträtfoto Michael Becker-Mrotzek
Prof. Dr. Michael Becker-Mrotzek
Mercator Institute
49 (0) 221-470 4770
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ingrid Gogolin
Coordinator of the team at the University of Hamburg
49 (0) 40-42838-3398
Porträtfoto Josef Schrader
Prof. Dr. Josef Schrader
Coordinator of the team at the German Institute for Adult Education
49 (0) 228 3294-100

Project team at the Mercator Institute of the University of Cologne

Project team at the University of Hamburg

Project team at the German Institute for Adult Education (DIE)

Prof. Dr. Irit Bar-Kochva
49 (0) 228 3294-368
Porträtfoto Hannes Schröter
Prof. Dr. Hannes Schröter
49 (0) 228 3294-342

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